Optimizing Infrastructure for Scalability and Reliability

Cloud Computing

About the Project:

There is  a leading learning management system designed for corporate onboarding, development, and assessment. Offering flexible integration capabilities, it serves as an e-learning platform for training, certification, internal communications, and data analysis. The initial hosting on Hetzner servers posed scalability challenges, leading to a transition from bare-metal to instance-based infrastructure.

Goals of the Project:

  1. Automate horizontal scaling
  2. Ensure a highly available and fault-tolerant infrastructure


The surge in popularity for e-learning solutions resulted in increased traffic, raising concerns about maintenance costs and the need for horizontal scaling on the existing Hetzner servers.


  1. Kubernetes Implementation:
    Leveraged Kubernetes for its autoscaling capabilities, preventing infrastructure failure during high traffic periods.
    Ensured fault tolerance, enhancing overall availability and user experience.

  2. Instance-based Infrastructure:
    Utilized Hetzner instances for a repetitive system, reducing scaling time and simplifying management.

  3. Monitoring and Alerting System:
    Implemented Prometheus and Grafana for efficient monitoring and alerting, aligning with modern DevOps practices.

  4. Centralized Logging System:
    Transitioned from ELK Stack to Locky for centralized logging, improving manageability and reducing infrastructure costs.

  5. Database Enhancements:
    Deployed MySQL DB and Elasticsearch for data navigation.
    Implemented ClickHouse for fast data computing and improved application availability.

  6. Backup System:
    Established a backup system for Elasticsearch and ClickHouse.
    Implemented a policy to delete unnecessary or old backups, optimizing system performance and efficiency.

  7. Cost Reduction Measures:
    Automated deletion of unnecessary backups.
    Utilized auto-scaling to ensure efficient resource usage, reducing infrastructure maintenance costs.

Technologies Used:

  • Kubernetes
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Locky (Logging System)
  • MySQL DB
  • Elasticsearch
  • ClickHouse
  • Auto-scaling solutions

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